Thursday, December 17, 2009

My wish.....

My wish has been what was thought to be a simple one. I have wished for a family, someone to live my life with, someone who would love my children as much as I do. I have wished to have that special someone to go to sleep beside and wake up smiling at in the morning. Someone to laugh with whom can make me smile no matter how I feel.

I have found that person which I always dreamed about the one who loves us as much as we love him. I can not imagine a momment without him now that he is in our life. I can only wish we had met years ago, then we would have time to make more memories! I love to fall asleep in his arms knowing I get to wake up beside him. He makes me laugh and cry. Just now he came into the dinning room with a santa hat on an shaving cream for his beard with the biggest grin you'll ever see. God I love him so.  He is there for me when I need him most. He takes care of me to the point I feel spoiled but I know I am just very lucky to feel the love I feel. 

He has been a great influence on my youngest. He has set boundaries that I alone would not have had the strength to do. It will all help guide her in the right direction. She has accepted him into our family she even respects him. She has never really given any other male figure respect. But she knows hes great and he pays attention to her and my boys the same. The boys like him too!

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