Thursday, December 17, 2009

Angels and The Christmas Season.

Every Christmas Angels touch our lives, we as people are so blessed this holiday season. Angels are everywhere and can take the form of anyone. Your mother,father, sister, brother,Girlfriend, wife, total stranger, etc. Regardless of who they are, they just have to be nice, kind, and loving. All year round these Christmas Angels are loving and give us that loving feeling.

I want you to think of a time that a Christmas Angel has touched you or your family. At the worst time this year, who was that person that came to you to help you. Angels do not care what they receive, they are selfless in nature. This type of action goes a long way and will allways be remembered. Now all you should do is pass this type of feeling on to new people. Go out and give that stranger or family member the touch of love and kindness.

It's not uncommon for a single touch to effect the world in chain effect. As well, this gesture will go on to a never ending chain reaction of love and caring. You can actuallly make a difference with just one touch. All you have to do now is go out to the world and pass on this simple gesture of caring.

Just the pass of the touch is alll that's asked. Christmas Angels don't ever receive much, and that's okay with Angels. The touch of love is the only thing that is waiting to be spread around the world. with  hopes  that everyone can feel the love that they are trying to spread and have received themselves.

Have you felt that type of love or gesture lately? When you needed that touch the most, I can only hope that you have felt that touch in one form or another.

Now ask yourself when was the last time you have given the same gesture to another person?It's a great feeling passing the love that you once received.

So go out this Holiday Season and become that Christmas Angel for another person, keep spreading the love. They are not alone, and you should be there and lend that helping hand when they need it the most. Once you become that Christmas Angel your life will never be the same again. This year remember to be that person and give that feeling to someone who needs it most.

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